A Little Background on Co-Founder Kathryn
I began co-creative gardening in 1990. By 1994, my partner Michael and I were involved in opening the Medicine Wheel and co-creative garden at DiamondHeart in Anchorage, Alaska. We continued to live and work there at DiamondHeart until 2008 when we relocated to Northern Arizona to build the co-creative center for planetary healing and ascension that is White Sage Landing.
In 1992 I was initiated into the Lakota sweat lodge ceremony, and in 1994 into the Lakota pipe ceremony. Since that time, I have participated in various forms of ceremonial healing, receiving teachings and participating in ceremony with people from over 30 different worldwide indigenous tribes. Throughout my journey, I have received teachings from healers on the inner planes, including Egyptian ascension masters, cosmic and indigenous healers, plants, animals, and nature spirits.
I have also received teachings from Native Elders and masters in the physical world in the fields of: massage, myofascial release, gemstone acupressure, Chinese herbalism, Native American herbalism, biochemical nutrition, colon cleansing and detoxification, dowsing, kinesiology, medical aromatherapy, ascension, energy healing, spiritual/shamanic and co-creative healing.
White Sage Landing Natural Healer & Facilitator
Since 1994, I have worked as a healer and facilitator. I use dowsing, kinesiology, dreaming, and direct spirit communication to help people locate hidden spiritual, emotional, and energetic factors in the healing process. Once factors are identified, I use herbs, essential oils, dietary change, gemstone acupressure, prayer and ceremonial healing to help the individual neutralize and resolve these factors, and restore vibrant health.
I work with a team of healers in the spirit world, sometimes including the spirits of deceased relations of those seeking assistance. Together with the individual, we set intentions and support healing in co-creation.
I am here to support and assist in the healing process currently underway. I am walking a personal journey of conscious ascension with the agreement to provide assistance to others as well as to work in co-creation to bring healing to Mother Earth.
A Little Background on Co-Founder Michael
About 25 years ago, Michael became sober from drugs and alcohol. His personal journey through recovery led him home to his true spiritual expression, which he found in a Native American sweat lodge ceremony in 1993. Since that time, he has walked a path of physical healing.
Back in 1992, Michael had one ruptured disc and two degenerated discs in his back. The issues were so severe that he had pain from walking, standing and sitting. The doctors in the medical profession determined that he would never be able to lift over 15 pounds, and recommended back surgery. He was declared medically unstable.
Through herbal cleansing, rolfing, colonics, essential oils, and using dietary changes that led to the creation of Food for Ascension, Michael successfully regenerated his back, liver and kidneys, as well as his digestive and nervous systems. Today he continues to walk a path of regeneration, as Michael understands that healing is a way of life, and not an event. His passionate energy and to-the-point style support his intention for clearing away illusion and finding the truth.
Previously, Michael was successful in the role of business entrepreneur, and now he enjoys being an artist and craftsman. The wisdom he shares is gained through living his life, and learning from his own experiences, what he calls, “the moccasin walk.”
Since conquering his back problems and gaining a more powerful perspective, Michael is now in the completion stages of personally building his and Kathryn’s home at White Sage Landing.