More About Our Ajowan Essential Oil
Size: 5 ml violet glass bottle OR 30 ml violet glass bottle
Source: India
Production method: Steam distillation of certified organic seed
Botanical name: Trachyspermum ammi
Note: Also known as ajwain, carom, or ajwine
Homeopathic Properties of Ajowan Essential Oil
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-carcinogenic
- Anti-emetic
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-infectious
- Anti-microbial
- Anti-septic
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-viral
- Carminative
- Digestive
- Expectorant
- Tonic
- Parasiticide
- Stimulant–circulatory and apetite
- Vermifuge
Internal—oral at homeopathic doses, inhalation, diffusion, mouth spray
External–topical application, massage, compress
Observations and Anecdotal Information
In this time of extensive world travel combined with the increasing development of super viruses, ajowan makes sense as a natural first aid kit necessity. I keep a good supply of this oil on hand at all times!
An ancient Ayurvedic medicinal and culinary herb, ajowan was traditionally used to enhance digestion. The diluted essential oil, used alone or combined with fennel, anise or cumin, can completely relieve the worst case of gas, bloating, heartburn, or indigestion.
For this purpose, try using two to three drops of essential oil in a cup of hot water, sweetened with honey. Sip on it gradually; most people will notice an improvement momentarily.
Ajowan has also been used traditionally for healing asthma (through inhalation), heart issues, toothache, earache. colds, flu, parasites, and arthritis.
It has also been used effectively to dissolve kidney stones, minimize the effects of intestinal bacterial infections (including cholera), and as a parasiticide against all kinds of worms, including threadworms.
It also supports weight loss, and makes a spicy addition to many Indian culinary dishes. The flavor of ajowan is intense for most western palates, so it will need to be used sparingly, or by adding a sweetener such as honey or maple syrup. It can also be combined with fennel to help soften and sweeten the flavor.
Throat Spray Recipe
It makes a wonderful throat spray for sore throats and Strep throat infections.
To 1 ounce of pure water, add 5 drops ajowan and 3 drops cypress essential oils. Add 5 drops stevia extract, and shake the bottle. Put the mixture in a small 1 ounce spray bottle, and spray into the back of a sore throat. The pain will subside immediately in many cases.
Energetically, ajowan essential oil helps bring suppressed anger up to the surface to be released. It is very helpful for people who have learned to suppress anger so well that it has become physical, as in the case of cancer and tumors.
Often these people feel no anger in their lives at all, or feel no anger when they ought to feel it, yet it comes up like a volcano over something small or insignificant. Ajowan will help reconnect us to our anger so we can release it in a positive way.
- Generally recognized as safe at normal dosages.
- May cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.
- Flavor is strong, pungent and bitter.
- Must be properly diluted for use.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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