More About Our Galbanum Essential Oil
Size: 5 ml violet glass bottle
Source: Iran
Botanical name: Ferula galbaniflua
Production method: CO2 select extract (filtered), made from wild-crafted bark resin
Homeopathic Properties of Galbanum Essential Oil
- Analgesic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-spasmodic
- Anti-rheumatic
- Aphrodisiac
- Bronchodilator
- Cicatrizant
- Diuretic
- Emollient
- Stomachic
- Tonic–endocrine, reproductive, nervous systems
Internal–inhalation, diffusion
External—topical application, wounds and injuries, massage, skin application, spinal and local compress, energy centers and meridian points
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Mentioned in the Holy Bible as one of the ingredients in “The Holy Oil”, galbanum essential oil may be one of the oldest plant medicines still in use today.
It has been used as a wound and injury dressing. It is especially effective for abcesses, skin lesions, and open wounds.
It has strong pain relieving properties, and reduces inflammation, making it a great addition to liniments and oil blends for arthritis and injuries.
This oil is generally regarded as safe at normal doses.
Avoid use with pregnant or lactating women.
Avoid use with infants and small children.
Keep all essential oils away from eyes.
Store in a safe place, out of the reach of children.
All internal uses should be researched and/or supported by a health care professional. Product quality and dosage are critically important when using essential oils internally.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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