Essential Oils Dilution Rates External Use
Below are essential oils dilution rates for external use. For internal usage dilution rates, go here.
When applying essential oils to skin, dilution creates a better potential for success. If oils are not properly diluted, they can create an unintended effect.
Essential oils should be diluted to a strength that imitates the way they are available in nature. Between a 1% to 4% dilution is a very good starting point for oils that will be applied to the skin.
1% dilution
For children, elderly, pregnant, very sensitive, inside nose, mouth, or ears
•8 drops essential oil in 1 oz. carrier
•4 drops essential oil in 1/2 oz. carrier (or 1 Tablespoon carrier)
•3 drops essential oil in 2 drams carrier
2% dilution
For full body massage, spinal compresses, and most applications
•15 drops essential oil in 1 oz. carrier
•8 drops essential oil in 1/2 oz. carrier (1 Tablespoon)
•5 drops essential oil in 2 drams carrier
4% dilution
For local inflammation, pain reduction, burns, wounds, sprains, funguses, infections, organ compresses, whenever stronger effects are desired
•30 drops essential oil in 1 oz. carrier
•15 drops essential oil in 1/2 oz. carrier (or 1 Tablespoon carrier)
•10 drops essential oil in 2 drams carrier
Stronger dilutions
Stronger dilutions are sometimes useful for certain applications. Wounds, burns, skin funguses, insect bites, and topical infections will often call for an oil from 50% to 100% essential oil (pure undiluted oil is referred to as “neat”).
- Equal amounts of essential oil and carrier make a 50% dilution
Nature’s Dilution Ratio
Keeping in mind the extreme concentration of essential oils, it is usually more effective to use highly diluted formulas, as they mimic the levels of aromatic substance as they occur in nature.
Every drop of essential oil produced contains the aromatic equivalent of 50 to 70 cups of herbal tea. One pound of lavender essential oil takes 1,000 pounds or more of lavender blossoms to produce. These are clues to use them sparingly and dilute well, honoring the true value of these natural gifts from the plant world.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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